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Have you heard of the EC Day Off program? There are several days in Eastern Christian’s school calendar when students are off from school for various reasons: holidays, teacher inservice days, parent-teacher conference days, and more. While some families rejoice in a break from the regular routine of school, others find themselves in a tricky situation of having to find different childcare options since there is no school. Eastern Christian has come up with a solution to help parents with this dilemma: School may not be in session, but the EC Day Off Program is available!

EC piloted the Day Off Program last year by making it available to Preschool students, but it quickly became clear that more students and their families would benefit from this program. This year, the Day Off Program is designed to accommodate students from PreK 3*-6th grade (*students must be potty trained). The program is staffed by EC employees and high school students. The children who attend are split into 2 age groups so that they can enjoy learning activities that are developmentally appropriate and connected to the theme of the day. Students also get to enjoy snacks and pizza for lunch that are provided in the cost of the program.

We kicked off the EC Day Off Program recently when students did not have school on Friday, October 11 (Teacher Inservice Day) and Monday, October 14 (Columbus Day). On October 11, 36 students came out to participate in the day’s activities (23 students in grades K-6; 13 preschool students)! The theme for the day was “Art Galore,” so preschool students enjoyed experimenting with color mixing as they painted rocks, leaves, and on easels; while students in K-6 created beautiful autumn wreaths and made oobleck! On October 14, 20 kids came to school (12 students in grades K-6; 8 preschool students) to enjoy the outdoors with a “Nature Explorers” theme. The highlights included going on a nature walk or scavenger hunt, and painting with flowers or building terrariums. See what the students had to say about their experience:

“We got to find rocks and paint them. It was really fun! We even got to use glitter! The teachers were really nice!” Brenna, grade 3

“I made a lot of really nice bracelets and beautiful blue clump of play dough! I really liked the scratch art.” Erin, grade 3

“We played cheetahs!” Cole, Pre-K 4

“We were getting rocks, then we painted them.” Grace, Pre-K 4

Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Perhaps your child(ren) missed out this past time, but there are more opportunities to participate in the EC Day Off Program coming up very soon! Check out what we have planned for these upcoming dates:

Thursday, November 7 – Ready, Set, Build!
Come ready to build something awesome!

Friday, November 8 – Games Galore!
A fun combination of both backyard games and board games.

The EC Day Off Program runs from 8am to 4pm at the Midland Park campus (25 Baldin Drive). All children must be registered by Thursday, October 31. 

Billing for attending the EC Day Off Program is done monthly through parents’ Smart Tuition portal.  Hourly rates are as follows:

$8/hour for 1 child (4 hours/day minimum)
$12/hour for 2+ children (4 hours/day minimum)

Questions? Please contact

Register today!

Jenna Beverly

By: Jenna Beverly

Jenna is a preschool teacher at Eastern Christian School.

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